Chicken Feet Flowers — Cut Stems for Your Home


We’ll ships to you or a friend, 13 cut stems ready to display.  And a lovely card with an explanation of Chicken Feet Flowers.  We’ll include a note and wrapping paper!  An intriguing seasonal gift available only from our farm!

Out of stock



We’ll send a baker’s dozen of these elegant, versatile cut stems!  Use them in a vase without water and they’ll last for weeks.

Elegant and lean, they inspire us to consider the architecture of the plant world.

Alive and green, they’ll last for weeks.  Sometimes, they’ll even push out a lovely little flower bud — we call that a chicken toe!

Mix them in with other flowers or just lay them on a table.

Chicken Feet Flowers really are cut stems of crinum lilies, cut just before they might set seeds if left to their own devices.

We ship 13 or so stems, 18 inches in length, and a lovely card explaining the flowers.   Please enter your note on the order page and we’ll include that too!

Additional information

Weight 1.3 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 4 × 5 in


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