White Foxglove Beardtongue (Penstemon multiflorus)


Beardtongues—what a terrible name. This foxglove-like plant produces masses of flowers in May. The flowers are thimble-sized, but there are tons of them.  

Plants love a dry spot in full sun — don’t baby them. Once established, they’ll even spread and seed in.  This little plant is at home in formal, downtown gardens are sweeping masses of naturalistic gardens. 

Tons of native bees, as well as hummingbirds, flock to it. 


28 in stock

Pollinator Perennials

Starry Rosin Flower (Silphium astericus)

A great golden bloomer that's super easy to grow. Flowers are from late spring but are the most and best in fall.  Planted in a group with other thigh-high perennials like Phlox 'Jeana' and Crinum 'Bradley'.

Thrives in average to moist soil but tolerates drought easily. Full sun to light shade to full sun.

You can cut it back to stimulate more flowers but if you are a bird watcher, don't--  birds love the seed heads. 


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Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' Gold Spiderwort

Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' captivates with its glowing chartreuse-yellow foliage in April and May. I'd grow it for this alone-- with red, orange or pink lilies it makes a crazy combo.  With dark foliage Crinum 'Sangria' it's more subtle.

In May , it's topped by vibrant violet-blue flowers. Thriving in sun with minimal maintenance.  Foliage fades with heat but if you cut it back and in August, you'll get gold again in October. 

TWO 4-inch, well-rooted, plantable cocco pots per order. 

Wild Sandhills Rosemary (Conradina canescens)

Lovely ferny texture. Narrow leaves resemble rosemary but are soft.  The flowers look like mint—lavender, lobed, and a fantastic nectar source from April through November.  

This small, 2 x 2 shrublet wants to be very dry!  In the wild, it grows on white sand in baking sun. Give it great drainage -- no irrigation and not too much mulch!  


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Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’

A recent trial at Mt. Cuba Center found that ‘Jeana’ attracted more butterflies than any other garden phlox. Overall, it was the winner of their trials of many cultivars. 

Lavender flowers top 4-foot stalks in July. The leaves of this cultivar seem to be mildew-resistant—at least at Mt. Cuba, which is in Pennsylvania. We haven't grown it in the Deep South, but we hope that trait is the same here. Honestly, I just plant this species interspersed with other perennials, and if it gets mildew, I divert my gaze to the flowers.  * Our photos are from Mt. Cuba webpage.

TWO 4-inch, well-rooted, plantable coco pots per order. 



Additional information

Weight .75 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in


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