
Crinum ‘Summer Glow’

Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $48.00.

This crinum has big, erect scapes! Many of the very tall flowering crinums tend to flop over or need staking. However, Summer Glow stands proud with white trumpets, which change to a rosy pink hue.


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Growing Conditions: Somewhere in Summer Glow’s parentage is powellii, which indicates that this may be a very hardy selection, even into Zone 6. It needs full sun.

Flowers: Super tall! the flowers are thick-petaled and substantial. The overall appearance is mostly pink, though they start as white before changing to rosy-pink trumpets. The scapes display lots and lots of flowers with a height of five feet.

Leaves: These leaves have a bulbispermum blue cast that is very attractive. It adds depth to a color palate. The leaves are long but curved.

How To Plant: Plant neck-deep in regular garden soil so only a portion of the bulb’s neck is exposed, leaving room for foliage and root growth.

Where To Plant: Plant in full sun. When mixed in with dallies, it makes for a great foliage contrast. It’s perfect for a dramatic accent in foliage and flower.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 4 × 3 in


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