Maiden’s Blush Bundle of Bulbs


This is a way underappreciated crinum lily! It has elegant, softly curving leaves. It makes a nice ground cover — even in a shady area.  In shade it won’t flower a lot but the leaves add a lush, tidy tropical look.   

We ship 2 larger bulbs and 4 smaller  so you can spread them about a foot a part and cover an area about the size of a card table. 

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8 in stock

Funky Little Flower Farm

It's about life on a flower farm. It's about life.  In each month, each chapter, Jenks tells stories of life on this old-school farm, firmly situated in a modern world.

One reader says, "it is a search for authenticity which our world of shallow truths could use more of. That’s what resonates with me and your stories!"

Written almanac style, there are 2 stories per month.  The first is about work happening on the farm that month --- and the crazy things that run through Jenks' mind while gardening. There are gardening lessons in each work story.  The second is called a sekki moment --- these essays feature one plant whose flowering or fruiting defines the month. Sekki is an ancient Japanese concept of telling time by natural occurrences.  Overarching themes include the transition of an old-style farm to a thoroughly modern business, setting priorities for a balanced life, and feeling rooted to a place but having a bit of a vagabond's heart.

Funky Little Flower Farm includes over 30 color photos, 100 pages, a plant index and is our first self-published book, made with the help of an amazing team of creative people of all specialties.


Growing Conditions: Full sun to light shade. Maiden’s Blush tolerates some shade.

Flowers: Flowers have pointed petals white with a pale blush of pink.  Very pale and blooms mostly in the morning. Flowers are 4 to 5 feet tall and usually come in mid-August and sporadically through October.  However, Maiden’s Blush is a bit shy to flower.

Leaves: Foliage makes a beautiful arching fountain about 3′ tall.  Neat, tidy, and elegant, the leaves are apple green.

How To Plant: Maiden’s Blush should be planted so just a bit of the neck is exposed above ground with lots of space for foliage and root growth.

Where To Plant: Makes a great container of crinum as it looks great even when not in flower.

Our Bulbs: We ship 4 smaller bulbs that may take a year or two to flower.


Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 4 × 9 in

No add-ons +0, Toadflax Seeds + $4, Hook Bill Knife + $20, Gardening with Crinum Lilies, 1 + $5, Gardening with Crinum Lilies, 2 + $6

1 review for Maiden’s Blush Bundle of Bulbs

  1. Steve

    I don’t care if this plant flowers or not. This foliage is so pretty. We have it in a pot by the pool.

    • Jenks Farmer

      It loves a pot! But we grow this one in the ground in mass too — since the foliage is so tropical looking

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