
The Crinum Book !

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $19.00.

Published December 2021, the Crinum book has been the number new release on Amazon Horticulture.

Add a signed copy of the fascinating history surrounding this beloved bulb. Photos, stories, biology, and more.   We send books in a hand-painted, fun sleeve!

This book has been Number One on Amazon, featured by professionals across the US, and is now available around the world!

Save 15% on the book or plants by joining the email list and using the coupon code.  




Margarate Roache, the garden editor of the New York Times, interviewed Jenks on her blog

A Way To Garden

Book Review

FreeTimes (Charleston Post and Courier)

Jenks’ essay on writing the book has been nominated for a GardenWriter’s Media Award
