White Top Sedge


Feast your eyes on the crisp ‘flowers’ of  White Top Sedge  Its slender, grass-like foliage provides a lush, green backdrop for the true stars of the show: cute-as-a-button white bracts that resemble pom pom flowers– but really are bleached, modified leaf parts!

Hardy, native thrives in moist soils and is a breeze to grow. It’s great in the ground in a wetish area.

But I love a mini-wetland in a container, too. Pair it with Stokes aster, our mini-Crinum origanum (also an American continent native), or the fascinating blue flowers of Eryngium. 

We ship Three 2.5 inch plugs per order. Plant these three in an 18-inch round saucer pot with the bottom hole plugged for a lovely summer bog garden of snowy white flowers.  


Bog Planter

Crinum oliganthum

The itzi-bitzi American cousin of our native swamp lily! This species makes a dense summer groundcover in sun or part shade. Perfect along a walkway.  

Or if you do pots, this is special one for a tabletop. Flowers start in July and continue sporadically through fall. Cold hardy in Zone 8 — we don’t have information for farther north. We ship 6″ inch pots, with 2 or 3 mature bulbs. Marturity for these guys is way less than a golf balls size!

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Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 4 × 5 in


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