Mums, Turnips, Dirt & Writing Make Me Happy

Jenks Farmer with Turnips and Mums

Dr. Jim Waddick and I have never met. But he’s been a mentor in ways and he’s supplied me with some killer plants and garden connections over the past twenty years.  Today, on Facebook, he asked me to explain a picture I’d posted, this picture of me and turnips — ‘Write!’ he said, ‘Explain why you’re so happy in the picture;   Here are 6 reasons I’m happy in this picture:

1. Because I have  huge long row of perennial chrysanthemums in full flower.  The row literally moves with the feeding frenzy of millions of flies and wasp.  Best of all, that purple mum is named ‘Miss Gloria’s Thanksgiving Day’ — years ago a horticulturist named it for my Mother.
2. Because I have an arm load of BEYOND organically grown turnips.   I’ve done lots and lots of research and I know, organic matters for nourishment of bodies and exclusion of toxins.   Beyond that, I’ve worked and worked to repair the damage of soil ruined by tilling and chemical agriculture, I’ve cultivated the microbs and fungi and living systems of the soil.  Tonight, they are going feed my friend and me — in the form of turnip fries and greens sautéed with peanut butter and garlic.

3. Because I woke up today with a slight, ever so slight chance of seeing entrenched, discrimination against me come to an end.  Most of my friends and family don’t even recognize that Tom and I face daily health, family-rights and huge, huge financial discrimination.  How? Think about this one little thing.  My sister is state employee, a teacher.  Her family and spouse can get health insurance through the state.   Tom is also a state employee.  The same health benefits that my sisters is entitled to are denied to Tom and me; though I”m his family.    I’m happy because the President of our country, OUR country, will not spend OUR tax money and politicians time to continue that discrimination.   And, the people of three states spoke up to say that sort of discrimination is wrong.  It doesn’t affect me — but it gives me hope that some little boy growing up in the country, as I was 40 years ago, knows that somewhere in this country, people think he’s equal to them and deserves the same rights to life and love.

4. Because I have today, at least the prospect of health care.  I’ve worked my butt off to be successful and to share my passion for plants with the world.  I’m smart, financially capable and I take better care of my body than 95% of the people I see around me.   I’m happy to have hope for 2014.

5. Because, I woke up to a warmish day in November.  There’s nothing, I mean nothing, I like more than the warmth of fall and winter sunshine in the South.  There were clouds on the horizon, you can even see them in the pic, but at that moment, I wanted to lay back and bask in the browning bermuda grass.

6. Because I learning to write.  I”m not great at it, but I have stories to tell about old, some dead, people who’d turn up their nose at this blog, at my garden style, & my flowers but none the less I love remembering them.   I’m happy because it’s about 80% done.  So I can soon get back to more gardening —- but right now, I need to get back writing so I have to cut off this list of reasons I’m happy in that photo!


  1. Bob Hatton on November 5, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    Looking forward to learning more about you and from you. Learned of you by listening to The Gestalt Gardener. I garden in the Texas Panhandle.

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