Pineapple Lily, New York Times, and A Way to Garden with Margaret Roach
You can skip to various links in this story. 1. NY Times article on Pineapple Lily. 2. Our podcast discussion of pineapple lily or 3. Our shopping page for pineapple lily bulbs.
Even as a teenager, I had penpals. Some of them, I still know. One became a famous horror writer. After adulthood and emails and social media took over, I lost those satisfying relationships. But you just never know when or where a new friendship may blossom.
Over the course of my career, I’ve been in the New York Times. I’ve been on awesome TV shows and podcasts too. Over the past year, a friendship emerged. It’s all online. But don’t worry y’all; I “m pretty sure it’s legit and not some sort of scam. This is real. Margaret Roach and I share emails and plant talk, and because the plant world is small, we share other friends.
Margaret, a journalist, and a gardener, wrote about our conversation recently in this New York Times article. (Note: if you do not subscribe, you can sign up to read three articles a month for free). But she’s also posted a phone conversation we had that roughly follows the article.
You can listen to her podcast here. I love Margaret’s emails and podcasts. Here garden information is certainly Northern based, but she works hard to make it relevant to other places by taking on big topics and including folks from all over. A Way to Garden is often about people and big issues of the ethos and passions of gardening.
Shop our pineapple lily and other bulbs!

Jenks looking smug, reading his interview in the NYTimes.