American Jeans

Crinum erubescnes.    The species name refers to the burgundy coloration in the scape.   I notices yesterday, while bushhogging (is that spelled correctly?) the other crinum, that this one looks great in the heat of the day.  The others, before they got bushhogged, look best in the afternoon.

Crinum erubescnes. The species name refers to the burgundy coloration in the scape. I noticed yesterday, while bushhogging (is that spelled correctly?) the other crinum, that this one looks great in the heat of the day. The others, before they got bushhogged, look best in the afternoon.



You can enjoy my photo or buy an original Redoute print of this plant for a mere $617,000 here.   With it, on this web page, for free, you get a tiny, important bit of garden history.

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