Morning Break? Is Re-shooting Photos a Break?

Gloria's Hydrangeas planted by a banksia rose that's been there since the 50s planted by a smoke house that's been there since the other 50s.?

Gloria’s Hydrangeas planted by a banksia rose that’s been there since the 50s planted by a smoke house that’s been there since the other 50s.?

For a number of days of the last ten, I’ve been sequestered inside.   Re writing.   The editor at Timber Press sent back my manuscript for a final edit.   Well, 32 pages and about 40 hours of edits.  Done.   Great edits.  He said, ‘I’m trying to help you say what you want to say, more clearly.’    A few funny cultural disconnects.   We can’t use the name Cow Itch for Campsis.   And yes, everyone, everyone calls her Miss Hattie.

And, a few request from the photo editor to take some, well retake some shots.   So I’ve been out since 5 doing that.
Trying to see the garden and stuff and the farm and 200 plus years of history that my parents made their own through someone else’ eyes.

Must be the coolest thing about this book — it will be a way to share the story of this farm and my piculuar family, with people across the country.   (Oh wait, world….I was a little proud to see the copyright/publication page, info for the U.K. too)DSC03910

If you’re close enough to come rejuvenate a bit here, email me about June 22 event — or bringing your TV crew, garden club or horticulture group.  I’m so proud to host tonight, my old friend from the days I lived on Hilton Head Island and her two children.  (send an email or FB message please; this wordpress blog stuff gets a million junk messages; I can’t even look at them, even if you figure out the complex system)

Here are some pics from this morning.   The weirdest retake — hanging out laundry cause my clothesline pic had some blurry honesty plant in it:

Crinum powellii alba beside the splt bamboo trellis for all the cumcumbers (crop failure)

Crinum powellii alba beside the splt bamboo trellis for all the cumcumbers (crop failure)


Hymenocallis maximilliana

Hymenocallis maximilliana


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