Where Do You Grow Crinum?

Let’s build a Crinum map together!   Send pictures of your crinum lilies.  In the email subject line please type your city and state.   (Send your town even if you don’t have pictures).

We’ll mark your town and post the picture to our map of Crinum Lovers!  (Don’t worry, we won’t post your name or address or such.)

Zoom in below…..

Why Do This?  Well it’s fun.  Kind of geeky, but fun to see where we crinum lovers live and grow. And it helps others discover these long-lived perennials.

As gardeners, designers and landscape architects you want to plant long-lived, good for the earth plants too.  But it’s tough to know about longevity and stress tolerance.  Especially when we’re talking about a plant that’s hasn’t been widely used.  Or a plant like Crinum, that’s only recently been grown outside its traditional range.

So this map will help keep our plant pallet fresh.  And it challenges the preconceived ideas that we have about Crinum living only in the South.

We have Crinum in at least 25 of the 50 states!

As a society, designers and gardeners need long-lived plants, used in ways that don’t eat up energy, chemicals or water. Help us make Crinum one of those!

How To Get Your Crinum on the Map.  Please send a picture and your town and state via email to [email protected].

(Please note; by sending a picture to above address you also give us your permission to use that picture and post that picture to our public google map.  We will not post your name, address or any other private information.)

For now, the map is for us but soon it will be on a page on our web site for everyone to see!



  1. Sandy Sewell on September 5, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    …cecil houdyshel (sp?) sending up it’s last spike for the year…blooming right now!

    • Jenks Farmer on September 8, 2015 at 5:29 am

      Thanks Sandy!

  2. Ron Kasting on September 5, 2015 at 1:27 pm

    You can put my name and address if you want. I want to personally thank you for giving me two crinums instead of one because of a sale that took place after I had make my order.
    That is the a sign of true character, my friend.

    • Jenks Farmer on September 8, 2015 at 5:30 am

      Thanks Ron!

  3. caroline on September 5, 2015 at 2:37 pm

    Mine are not blooming now but are in Tucker GA

  4. Ellen Kirby on September 5, 2015 at 7:15 pm

    My crinum lily is grown in Winston-Salem, NC. It was given to me by a friend’s mother who recently died at age 100. She got it from her elder sister.

    • Ellen Kirby on September 5, 2015 at 7:18 pm

      How do I submit a photo?

      • Jenks Farmer on September 8, 2015 at 5:28 am

        Just email a picture of your crinum lily to us!

    • Jenks Farmer on September 8, 2015 at 5:29 am

      Sweet, plants that live longer than we do. It’s nothing new!

  5. Will on September 10, 2015 at 1:30 pm

    Beaufort, SC 29901; Lobeco, SC 29931; Elko, SC 29826; Williston, SC 29853

  6. Randy Whitfield on October 2, 2015 at 11:03 am

    30538 Eastanollee GA

  7. Randy Whitfield on October 2, 2015 at 11:04 am

    lifelong crinum grower

  8. Annette P. Kahn on October 15, 2015 at 3:24 pm

    I grow about a dozen types of crinum very near Washington, LA. Most are becoming established after one year in the ground. I have both purchased and rescued crinum. They need a lot of shade this far south. I cannot plant them as deeply as you recommend, even with a post hole digger.

    • Jenks Farmer on October 17, 2015 at 11:54 am

      You’re in a great crinum climate. I do some garden work in New Orleans and am fascinated more by your area. We only recommend some being planted deep — some like to be shallow. And all will grow shallow, even right on top of the dirt!

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