
Crinum oliganthum

Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $22.50.

The itzi-bitzi American cousin of our native swamp lily! This species makes a dense summer groundcover in sun or part shade. Perfect along a walkway.  

Or if you do pots, this is special one for a tabletop. Flowers start in July and continue sporadically through fall. Cold hardy in Zone 8 — we don’t have information for farther north. We ship 6″ inch pots, with 2 or 3 mature bulbs. Marturity for these guys is way less than a golf balls size!

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Growing Conditions: It requires regular to wet soil and full sun to light shade.

Flowers: Star-shaped, pure white flowers on 15-inch scapes.

Flowering Season: It always blooms in mid-summer. June and July in Zone 8. Never has tons of flowers.

Leaves: 15 inches tall and half and inch wide. This is a runner, so leaves come up close together, almost like a soft liriope.

How To Plant: Plant to a depth of three to five inches. This bulb runs and will make a groundcover.

Where To Plant: They thrive in shady, meadow-style planting, or even in ditches and places that occasionally flood. Can grow in a very shallow soil profile.  Can tolerate drought (doesn’t look great in drought) which makes it a good green roof candidate.

Our Bulbs: We ship full, 6-inch pots; they are flowering size but note that this is a small bulb as crinum go, so don’t be surprised the bulbs are only marble sized!

Additional information

Weight 2.1 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 4 × 3 in