Posts by Jenks Farmer
Shadow & Light in The Garden
She made a point of coming by the garden twice a year to see what the old man loved. She smiles at our secret jargon, Ben and I used only Latin names. No questions, no suspicion just eyes that said, I’m happy ‘cause yall are happy.
Read MoreEnthusiastic Children and Vines
Pay attention, indulge, wait, and be delighted. This month my buddy’s pre-teen boy is into magic. He’s showing me a card trick with a fake deck. He’s been through Egyptian mythology, dinosaurs and bigfoot. His dad’s endless patience amazes me. The magic show commences with an elaborate introduction, “On the death-day of the great…
Read MoreCrinum x augustum
Spectacular heads of flowers as big as a volley ball! Killer maroon coloring. Dramatic, sword like leaves to five feet tall. In zone 8, needs a warm spot — thrives in coastal, warm gardens.
Read MoreThe Crinum of Downton Abbey
Victorian Britain was the epicenter of fashion, trends, politics, and horticulture. Natural history and plants were serious studies, serious hobbies for the rich. Sailors, explorers, and traders brought plants from all over the world to tempt rich collectors. An abundant supply of coal meant hot-houses and conservatories allowed for tropical plant gardening. Those collectors who…
Read MoreIt’ll Be Fine By Fall
Gardening, painting, sculpting. Those things have something in common– they all start with imagination of something you’ll bring to fruition. A vision. Sometimes these really hot days make me have visions. Stifling hot. Swooningly hot. I chop some crinum down to the ground; it’ll be fine by fall, I think to myself. I weed, pulling…
Read MoreCollector Crinum
We have an extensive collection of specialty crinum. Some are just slow, so don’t get added to our general store. Some need special places and care. Some are spectacular, some have special moments, some are just plain rare. All intrigue true bulb collectors. Occasionally, we offer them for sale on days such as our…
Read MoreThe Greatest Show
Silver-haired and with a brand new knee, Momma peers into a draped diorama of shrunken heads, leaning in to listen to a much pierced young man, with gauge opening in his ears big enough you could pass a cupcake through, a handlebar mustache, and a Baltimore accent — which is oddly akin to our own. …
Read MoreMother’s Day Lily Farm Gathering
Mother’s Day Plant Sale! We occasionally spiff up the farm and invite guest. Announcements for these private events go out via our email list only. Gatherings for cool gardeners, for great clients and old friends, we limit guest numbers but don’t charge anything. These are thank you days. My Momma, Gloria Farmer is the heart…
Read MoreWhy I Decided to Self-Publish
‘Funky Little Flower Farm’ stories include memories like my coming out, of being with my father on his deathbed and Momma’s memories of her grandparents. I want to share them, but I want control over how they get published now and forever. When I struck a book deal with a publisher for my first book,…
Read MoreEarthforming a Rustic Urn
The circular patio holds a 1,000 pound urn. We made it. It’s a seating bench, a place to rest a drink or plate and it is an urn for a Japanese Apricot tree. The earth-formed texture, (as well as patio texture) come from our farm’s clay, roots and thick weave burlap. In the sides, there…
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